Shelly Bhowmik, MD MPH


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Build A Resilient Workforce

Work-life integration matters now more than ever, especially for women and people of color.

Corporate Wellness Solutions for Burnout

Burnout calls for special treatment, something that typical wellness benefits just don’t cover.

Meditation apps. Therapy sessions. Wellbeing days. Burnout continues to rage on, despite leaders making mental health a priority in the workplace. Employees are stressed, and women and people of color in particular bear the brunt of this burnout. The end result? Organizations are left dealing with the high cost of increased absenteeism, presenteeism, and turnover.

Dr. Bhowmik is a corporate wellness expert focused on employee engagement, retention, and diversity.

Shelly Bhowmik, MD MPH is a Johns Hopkins-trained and double board-certified physician specializing in Preventive Medicine and Lifestyle Medicine. Her work is based on the belief that mindset is medicine, a belief she came to realize through her own journey that began at the edge of a subway platform. As the founder Platform Wellness, her mission is to help people experience professional growth and success without having to sacrifice personal health and wellbeing.

Dr. Bhowmik specializes in providing custom solutions based on her signature rest revive strive thrive™ method.

Empower employees with the tools they need to proactively address burnout. ReST Revive Strive Thrive™ solutions promote a more supportive and inclusive work environment by preventing burnout and building resilience in all employees. Examples of offerings featuring the ReST Revive Strive Thrive™ method include the executive screening and online course.